As we add more E-mail flexibility and types of forms, there may be more desire to customize certain parts of it. One of the nice things you can do is add the customer's name to E-mail "Subject" line so it's more personal.
This requires a relatively simple change to the Form definition in Advanced Customizations, but as with all Advanced Customization functions it's more like computer programming and precision matters.
Here are the steps for adding the names:
1. Go to Advanced Customizations / Forms, and Edit the Form of interest (e.g."Confirmation letter, E-mail"). You'll see the E-mail subject expression in the top area -- click the Edit button next to that.
It has to be exact to avoid a "syntax error", including the quotes and spaces just as shown, so it's best to copy-paste. Make sure you don't have a line break in there if your E-mail breaks it up.
3. Save that, and save the form definition. Now it will add the customer's name(s) to the subject line of each confirmation E-mail.