How to handle key deposits
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Set up a Transaction Category of "Security Deposit" (anything besides "Deposit", which is reserved for advance-deposit transactions).
At the beginning of their stay (or whenever you need to enter this type of deposit):
--- Enter a Charge transaction for the security deposit, using this category.
--- Enter the payment for the deposit as a normal Payment transaction (or as just part of their check-in payment).
This will show the deposit as income now, but you'll have a record of the security deposit because of the Charge transaction, and the separate category allows you to separate it if needed. It will also zero-out the customer's "balance due" so you don't get misleading balance reports.
Now when they leave:
--- Enter another Charge transaction of "Security Deposit" category, but use a negative amount (or -1 quantity) to show that the security deposit is being removed. This will give them a credit balance.
--- Enter a Refund if there's still a credit left after any final charges.