Confirming a Reservation

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To the Campground Master software, a confirmed reservation is simply a reservation with the Confirmed flag set.  This flag is used to set the status color on the tab views, and optionally affect the showing of "available" reservations according to the Function options (see Program Options and Settings).  For your campground, you may have no specific rules for requiring confirmations, so the use of this flag is at your discretion.  (You could even use it for something totally different which you want to see coded as a different color on the tab views, although this could be confusing since the wording for the flag cannot be changed on the menus or dialogs.)


For now we'll assume that it means that a customer has confirmed their stay, so its confidence is greater than a mere "pending" reservation.  This could be on a new reservation if it's close enough to the time of their stay, or done later on a reservation made months in advance.  You can mark a reservation as "confirmed" from the right-click menu on the tab views, or from the Reservation Details dialog by clicking on the Confirmed check box.  Note that the Confirm option will not be available on the right-click dialog if the reservation is already confirmed or if it has been Guaranteed (which is presumed to be a higher level of confidence than Confirmed).  Of course it also won't be available if the reservation has already been checked in or checked out.


A simple prompt will ask you to confirm the change.  If you are supporting the Estimated Arrival Time field, you may also want to set this when confirming the reservation.  This field is available on the Reservation Details dialog.


If you want to undo a confirmation (to revert the reservation back to a pending state), open the Reservation Details dialog and check the Pending box (on uncheck the Confirmed box).



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