Getting clickable links in confirmation letters

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(From Newsletter #3, June 2 2005)

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If you're trying to put your web site's address in confirmation letters, the solution is normally very simple -- just put the URL, making sure it includes the http:// (or https://) part.  For instance:


While it may not seem clickable when you preview or send it (it's plain text at that point), nearly all E-mail programs will understand that it's a link and make it clickable.


You should enter your web site as a complete URL like that in Park Setup as well.  You can also embed links like this in the Confirmation E-mail Text function.



There may be a rare instance where it doesn't work (this used to be an issue for AOL users).


There is a workaround you could try.  You can put the HTML code for creating a clickable URL in the text and then that part will be clickable.  Like this:


<a href=""> </a>


It will probably show the whole thing, but at least part iof it should be the clickable link.


Page URL

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