Limiting a workstation to Point of Sale use

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Some users with the POS option have one or more workstations in a store where they only do store sales, and don't want to show the reservation Rack.  While there isn't a specific "POS-only" mode, you can achieve a similar result by limiting which tab views are available to the clerks.  


1. Make sure the operators in the store are only given "Clerk" access levels, not "Reservations" or higher.  This is done through Maintenance / Park Setup / Operators.


2. Go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Access Levels.


3. Edit the access levels for viewing the Rack, Map, and On Site tabs to have an override level of "Reservations".


Note that at least one of the tabs must be viewable by the clerk or else the Rack will show by default regardless of the operator's access.  So you need to either leave the Transactions tab at the Clerk level (e.g. if they need to access this for reference) or else set the access level for viewing one of the other tabs, like the Unassigned tab, to Clerk level -- the Unassigned tab will likely be blank anyway, so that would be a safe view to show.



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