On-Hand Report

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This report is accessed through the menus P.O.S. / Inventory Reports / On Hand by date.


Select the desired options in the dialog, then click the Generate Report button (if Auto-Generate is not enabled).  You can then Print the report or use Export List to save it to a CSV file, or adjust the options to generate other reports.  Whenever you have finished generating reports of a particular type, just Close the dialog.  The last options you selected (except for the dates) will be saved for that report and used as the default the next time you open that report dialog.


The report is a grid-based summary report similar to the Summary Transaction reports in the Transaction tab. Thus it uses the same print option settings and have the same look.



Pre-requisites for Accurate On Hand Reporting


On Hand can be an important accounting report, and Campground Master has powerful features for tracking it -- however, as they say with computers, "garbage in, garbage out".  In order to use this effectively, a lot of things need to happen.  Most of this is essentially the same requirements as Cost of Goods Sold, so see that report for more details (especially if you need to see Cost on hand, not just Quantity).


At the very minimum, you will need to have the On Hand Quantity field enabled for inventory items, and each item will need to have an accurate count in it.  Even if you don't use Campground Master for cost accounting, this will allow you to at least get total units on hand.  If you also have the Cost field enabled and enter a Cost for each item, you can get the approximate value on hand using that cost, using the default Cost Accounting method of "None" (set in Program Options / P.O.S.).  However this is not likely to be sufficient for tax purposes if you're not using the full inventory tracking functionality.



Report Values


The basic function of the report is to report the Inventory On Hand at the end of each date, month, quarter, or year as needed.


Value to Report -- This selection allows you to report by quantity, cost, or price, as needed for accounting:


Quantity -- Reports the quantity on hand at the end of each period.


Cost -- Reports the total calculated cost of all items on hand at the end of each period.  Note that the values shown will be the cost calculated according to the Cost accounting method selected in Program Options.  Thus it can change in unusual ways day by day depending on the method being used, especially if using the Weighted Average method.


Price -- Reports the total value of all items on hand using the sale price known at the time.  Note that this uses the Price field currently in the Inventory Item record, as well as any adjustment entries with price changes (working backward) to get previous prices on earlier dates.  It does not use the actual price that items sold for in Transactions.


Remember, the value shown under each date column is the on-hand value at the end of that period -- e.g. if it's by Month, that's the value at the end of the last day that month.


Show the change in value each period -- You can check this to get a quick look at what items are changing inventory on a regular basis, especially since any cells with no change will be blank.


Show "Average" column / Show "Total" column -- You can have it show a final column with the Average value (or "Total" if showing changes).  Be aware that this will be the Average value over the time period reported (unless you're using the "Show the change" option).  Make sure you don't accidentally use this as the ending total for the period -- use only the values under the dates, and the values under the last date (or month/quarter/year) will be the "final" On Hand value.



Report Options


The report has some common settings as you see throughout Campground Master:


From/To Dates -- You can select any start and end date for the report.  There are also helper buttons to quickly select Month-to-Date, Year-to-Date, Last Month and Last Year date ranges.  Note that if you accidentally try to report on future dates, the results will be zero or undefined.


Summarize period -- You can summarize the reports by days, months, quarters, or years.  This results in one column (or row) for each day, month, or year of the selected date range.  Keep in mind that the date range selected takes precedence.  So for example if you summarize by month and selected the range 4/1/2001 to 5/1/2001, it will show April and May months in the report but will be reporting for only one day in May due to the 5/1/2001 ending date.


Auto-Generate -- By default, you must click the Generate Report before it will calculate a report and fill the grid, since some reports can take a significant time to generate.  If you're reporting on a small date range or using a fast enough computer, you can select the auto-generate option so that the report is refreshed every time you change one of the options.  This can be useful for experimenting with the controls to see how they affect the report before generating a report for a large date range.


Group Total for Each -- The results can be grouped by Inventory Item, Transaction Category, or Item Class.


Hide groups with zero totals -- This will prevent showing group rows or columns (but not date summaries) that have a zero value for the entire date range.


Show Item: Codes / Descriptions -- Select whether you show the Item Code or Item Descriptions, or both, in the first column.  If neither is selected, it will use the Description.  This only has an effect if grouping by Inventory Item.


Inventory Item Filtering -- This button will open the Inventory Filtering dialog and allow a variety of filtering options.


Note that the "Use filtering" box must be checked in order for the filtering to take effect -- this is checked automatically if you edit the filter, but you can easily toggle this option on and off  to see how the filtering affects the report.  


There's also an option to "Save filter" for next time, which can be checked when you set up a filter that you want to use as the default.  If this is checked when you close the report, then the filter will be saved and re-used the next time you run the report (and "Use filtering" will be checked automatically.)  If you make changes to the filter but this box isn't checked upon exit, then the changes won't be saved but the previous filter will still be loaded (but will no longer be used automatically -- just check "Use filtering" again to re-activate it next time).


Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/on-hand-report.html

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