Splitting and changing customer at a previous date

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(From Newsletter #50, Jun 3, 2024)

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Q: A mobile home site has a new owner, but I forgot to start a new reservation at the time.  So some transactions for the new customer were entered on the old customer's reservation.  Now I need to split the reservation and move some of the transactions to the new customer.


A: When you "split" a reservation, it won't split the transactions along with it -- they will either all stay on the original, or all move to the new one, depending on the splitting option.


In your case, you only want some transactions moved to the new reservation (and then change that Reservation to the new Customer).  You would need to select the "Not linked at all" option when you split it, so you have 2 separate reservations.  However it's best to just terminate the old reservation by changing the Last Night to when they left (and check it out), and then start a brand new Reservation under the new Customer beginning at the move-in date.


So the only tricky part is to move the desired transactions to the new reservation... this can be easily done with a new feature added in a recent version.


Open the Reservation Details for the original reservation that has the transactions, and go to Transaction History.  Select (highlight) ALL of the transactions you want to move to the new reservation, and click the button Move to a Different Reservation or Customer.


Then click Find Reservation, enter the new customer's name to locate it, select their new reservation on that site, and click "Use".

Then click OK -- move transactions.


If you did had used the Split function above instead of just starting a new reservation, be sure to change the customer for the new reservation (e.g. open Reservation Details for that one and "Change to a Different Customer").



Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/splitting-and-changing-custome.html

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