Adding a logo to E-mail confirmations

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Adding a logo to E-mail confirmations was not possible before version 9.1 since only text E-mail was supported, but now it's possible as a side-benefit to supporting HTML protocol in E-mail Forms.  There are 2 sample Forms you can import that show how it can be done -- you'll just need to provide an URL to your logo (which must already be available on your web site, for instance).


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Forms.


2. Click the Import Form(s) button, and you'll get a typical Windows file dialog labelled "Import Forms". You need to locate the sample Forms folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Campground Master\Samples. Use the "Look In" drop-down box at the top of the dialog to navigate up to C: if necessary, then double-click each folder (Program Files, then Campground Master, then Samples) to get into the Samples folder.


3. Now select the appropriate file and click Open.  Choose one of these:


Sample Forms - E-mail confirmation with trans, logo -- this is the simpler version, but does include the transaction details on the confirmation.  It relies on the fact that any E-mail Form with "Fixed pitch" selected has the required HTML heading and footing generated automatically, so all you have to do is include the HTML <img> tag with an URL at the top.


Sample Forms - E-mail confirmation with trans, logo (HTML) -- this one includes the entire HTML coding explicitly, which allows more flexibility.  For example you could move the <pre> tag down so that only the Transaction Table is fixed-pitch text and the rest of the text is proportional, which could look nicer.


The new Form(s) imported will appear at the bottom. You can use the Move Up function to move them to a different location in the list if preferred.


4. Replace the URL of the logo file with your own (select the element showing the HTML code for the logo and Edit Element).  e.g., replace:


 <img src="">


with a link to your logo file on your web site:


 <img src="">


You'll want to make sure the image you choose is a reasonable size for the E-mail, or else use more advanced HTML to size it appropriately (not covered here -- contact your webmaster).


Note that you won't be able to see what it really looks like in Campground Master's "Save & Test" function or even when sending it -- you can only see the raw HTML code before it's sent.  Send one to yourself to verify that it looks right.


While there aren't specific samples for adding the logo to the other new E-mail forms like invoice, receipt or statement, you can create them yourself by importing a sample and adding the logo as in the confirmation sample above.  For instance, import the sample form "Sample Forms - E-mail receipt with transactions", and then copy the top HTML element(s) as shown in the confirmation example to the receipt form (for the explicit-HTML example, also copy the bottom HTML elements).


The form(s) added will now appear in the Select Form list whenever an E-mail function is selected, e.g. "Send E-mail Form" from Reservation Transactions.


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