Back-dating Transactions

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If you're entering historical transactions, or for instance just need to enter something that was missed on a previous day, you can easily change the date of a transaction (provided you're logged in with a high enough access level).  


First enter the transaction as you normally would, and then before clicking "Done" to finish the transaction, make sure the Show Date checkbox above the upper right corner of the transaction grid is checked.  Once checked, you will see the Date column (2nd column, next to the Type).  Just click on the date to be changed and you can enter a new date (clicking twice gets into edit mode to edit just part of it).  Likewise you can change the date of a previous transaction by re-opening the Transaction entry dialog and using the same procedure.


Note that this only affects the "posting" date of the transaction -- there are separate fields for Date Made and Time Made to record when the transaction was initially entered in the system, which cannot be altered.


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