Canceling a Reservation

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A cancelled reservation is not deleted from the system, it simply has a Cancelled status set so that it will not show up on certain reports.  You can cancel a reservation using the Cancel option on the right-click menus in the tab views, or you can click on the Cancelled check box on a Reservation Details dialog.


Note: If a reservation is already checked in and now you need to cancel it (either due to a mistake or because the customer did not stay the night), you need to first change the status to Pending by checking the Pending box on Reservation Details.


When doing a cancellation, you will have a chance to select the type of cancellation and enter notes about the cancellation (it's always a good idea to note who requested the cancellation and why, so you have some proof in case they forget that they cancelled it).  The notes will be part of the reservation's Notes field, so if notes already exist you can add the cancellation notes to the end of the existing notes. Also remember that the date, time, and operator making the cancellation will be recorded, which you can see on the Reservation Details dialog.  


After entering any notes, the Transaction dialog will appear so that you can check the transactions for any refund needed or delete any charges for the reservation, or charge a cancellation fee.  Don't leave unpaid charges on a cancelled reservation or else your reports will be inaccurate, showing charges that were never paid.  When canceling a reservation, the account should be "balanced out" so that the balance due is $0.00.


You can undo a cancelled reservation if a cancellation is done by mistake, or if the customer changes their mind.  You can do this by clicking on the Pending check box in the Reservation Details dialog.  A simple confirmation will be shown, at which point you simply click Yes to undo the cancellation.  Manager access is required for this function.


You can also change the cancellation type through Reservation Details, by clicking on the checkbox next to the current cancelled status (which may also show "No-Show", "No-Stay", "Mistake" or "Other" depending on the current status).



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