Checking out early (without a refund)

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Q. Is there a way to do post an early check-out who does not get a refund for leaving early?  If I try to check them out on the day they leave, the program wants to make the day they are leaving the actual check-out day.


A: The program wants to show them checked out on the day they actually leave so the site is open for new visitors if necessary and your reservation data is accurate.  The best way to do this is to adjust the "Last Night" first (through Reservation Details, or by right-clicking them on the previous date on the Rack and using "This is new last date").  Then do the check-out and it won't complain about the date.


However if you're using auto-rates, the other issue is keeping it from adjusting charges (removing 1 or more days rent) when you change the date.  To avoid the adjustments, go into Reservation Details *before* changing the Last Night and check the box "Disable automatic rate re-calculations".


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