Customer Transactions

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You may occasionally want to make transactions that are applied to a customer but not to a reservation, such as gift shop purchases, or advance deposits for reservations not yet made.  To do this, you will need to use the Transaction button on the toolbar (the cash register), or Transactions / Enter Customer Transactions from the main menu.  If a customer is already selected (highlighted) on the current tab view, then transactions for that customer will be shown.  Otherwise, this will open a Find Customer dialog to locate the customer for which to make the transaction.  (This works the same as Find Customer in New Reservation dialogs -- sort by the appropriate column, find the customer, click on it and click Use.)  Once you find the customer to use, just click the Use button to enter transactions.


At this point, the Transactions Dialog will appear, just like for reservations.  It functions in every way like the reservations dialog, with the exception that the customer information will be shown instead of the reservation at the top (there is nothing to edit here, but you can go to Customer Details).  You will see any previous transactions for this customer, including any transactions for reservations this customer has made.  Therefore you could use this to print a transaction receipt/statement for the customer that covers all of his past reservations.


Another difference is the receipt appearance, even though it's the same format as the reservation receipt.  The Site and first/last nights area will be blank, the disclaimer/signature area will not be shown, and the park information will use the first Park defined in the database (since there is no reservation and thus no associated site to get the park information from).


One final thing to remember is that transactions here will not be reflected in any of the customer's reservations.  This may be important for "balancing" reservations -- don't enter a payment for reservation charges here because the reservation will still show a balance due.  You should get to Transactions through the appropriate reservation to enter any reservation charges or transactions.


For further details, see the Transactions Dialog section.


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