Tab Views Setup

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The Tab Views in Campground Master are initially configured with all of the normal content views -- Rack, Arrivals, Departures, etc., and will include a Map and/or Query view if any maps or queries are set up.  You can change the configuration of these views through Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Tab Views.  There are several reasons you might want to do this:


To change the operator access levels for viewing or printing each view.

To change the order, e.g. to make Map the first view so it's shown by default.

To rename them to something more to your liking

To make the names shorter to fit on a low-resolution screen

To remove views that you never use

To add multiple Query views showing specific queries by default


Note that changes to the tab view setup apply to all workstations.



Tab View Setup


The Tab View Setup dialog lists all of the tab views with their general information.  Tabs are shown here whether they're enabled or not.  If there's one that you don't plan to use, we recommend that you Edit it and uncheck "Enabled", rather than deleting it from the list.  This way it's easy to re-enable later.


The order of views in the list will be the order they're displayed in Campground Master (skipping disabled ones of course).  Note that any Map or Query views will only appear of one or more maps or queries are set up.


You can use the typical functions to add, edit, copy, move or delete tab views in the list.


Add the default tab views


This special function will add all of the default views to the list (which may result in duplicates).  The main purpose of this is if you make some changes and then want to get back the original settings.


Note that if you delete or disable all tab views, the Rack view will still be shown by default (the program can't function without any tab views).  If you re-enter Setup, it will prompt you to add all default views back in.  It will also add all views back in automatically when you re-start the program.



Adding or Editing Tab Views


When you Add or Edit a view (or double-click on it in the Tab View Setup list), a simple dialog will allow you to enter the name, type, access levels and notes.  You can also disable or re-enable it.  


Tab Name


The name you enter here will be used as the header (name) of the tab, and also for the heading if you print the view.  


Note that if you add tabs or change the names, you may not be able to see all of the tabs on the screen at once.  If this happens, a pair of right/left arrows will be shown on the right side, which you can use to scroll the tabs back and forth.  However it's usually better to get all of the tabs to fit on the screen.  You can do this by shortening the Names of the tabs -- you'll notice that the tabs must all be the same size, so it uses the largest of the tab names to determine the size of all tabs.


Likewise, if you have extra space and prefer to widen the tabs, you can use longer names or even put spaces on each side of the longest name to force the tabs wider.  You may already see this in the default "Payments Due" tab, if your screen is wide enough.  Remember that these settings are used on all computers, so you'll have to keep the lowest-resolution screen in mind.



Content Type


The Content type is a selection list of the standard tab view types.  The only special one is Query.  In this view, you have the option to select a specific query to show.  This essentially allows you to create a custom tab view using a query you've defined.  If you select a query here, then only that query will be shown with no option to change it on the tab view.  If you don't select a query, then the tab view will have a drop-down list where you can select a query.  Thus you can have some "fixed" query tab views that show reports you need most, and also have a standard "Query" tab that allows you to dynamically select any query you've created.


Note that only one enabled entry is allowed for each of the types, except Query.  There's no reason to add multiple Arrivals views, for instance, because they would be the same (they can't be set up with different options just because they're on different tabs).




Additional Topics:




Advanced Customizations Overview & other topics





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