Deleting a Customer

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If you created a customer by mistake, you may want to delete it entirely.  Only an operator with Administrator access can delete a customer, since it is a permanent deletion and can affect the integrity of the database.  If you just want to get rid of a duplicate entry, you should use the Merge Customers function instead of just deleting it.


To delete a customer, simply click the Delete button in the Customer Details dialog (available from the Customers main menu or by clicking the Customers toolbar button.  You will be asked to confirm the permanent deletion.  However if the customer has any transactions or reservations then it cannot be deleted, and you will be notified of the reason.  This is a safeguard to prevent deleting financial information or reservation history by accident.


If you absolutely want to delete the customer and all of its transactions and/or reservations, then you can do so by following this procedure (starting at the Customer Details dialog showing the customer to be deleted):


1. Click the Reservation History button.

2. Click on a reservation in the list and click View the Selected Reservation Details.

3. Click on the New Transactions button.

4. If there are any transactions in the list, delete them:

a. Click on transaction in the list

b. Click on Delete Selected Item(s).

c. Repeat steps a and b for each transaction.

5. Click Done on the Transactions dialog.

6. Click Delete on the Reservation Details dialog.

7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until all reservations are deleted.

8. Click Close on the Reservation History dialog.

9. Click Transaction History to see if there are any more transactions for this customer.

10. If there are no transactions, then Close the history and click Delete to delete the customer.

11. If there are transactions, then you will need to do the following to delete the transactions:

 a. Close the customer dialog with Save or Cancel.

 b. Open the New Transaction dialog with Transactions / Add a New Transaction.

 c. Click Find Customer, locate the customer in the list, click on it, then click Use.

 d. Click Enter New Transactions for the above Customer.

 e. Delete transactions as in steps 4 and 5 above.

 f. Return to the Customer Details dialog, find this customer and click Delete.


Administration note: It is possible to change the customer link for a reservation using the Maintenance / Raw Data Tables / Reservation function, and manipulating the numerical index values.  This will not be discussed here since it is very intricate and dangerous.  If you feel this is necessary, contact technical support.


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