Detail Transaction Reports

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This is the default mode, and is indicated by the Summarize check box being unchecked.  Each line will show a separate transaction record (with subtotals as appropriate, described below).  If you've loaded some other report or filtering and want to get back to the full list of transaction details, click on the Details Options... button, and then click Reset the view to details / all transactions.


You can select which fields are displayed through the Options... button (or it will be called Detail Options... button if your screen resolution allows).





By default, the view shows today's transactions, sorted by date (and time, since they are all the same date).  Since all transaction types are shown, the charges and the payments would balance out to a $0.00 total at the bottom if all charges and payments entered today correspond to each other.  This is often not the case, however, since charges are often posted to a reservation on a different day than the payments.


If you prefer to show transactions by the date of their reservation (to make it easy to check for reservation charges and payments balancing out), you can change this in the Filters dialog.  Click the More Filters… button in the control area, and check the option to Use Reservation date instead of transaction date.  Now the transactions will be grouped by the date (First Night) of the reservation, and the total and subtotals (if any) should balance out for any reservations that are paid in full.


As with other reports, you can select the start and end date for the report.  (If you're using the option mentioned above to Use Reservation Date, then the date range filtering will likewise apply to reservation dates rather than transaction dates.)  Since you're likely to have many more transactions in a day than reservations (and you should have no transactions for future dates), there are no Week/Month/Year buttons.  To get monthly, quarterly and yearly reports, see the Summary Reports section coming up later.





If you have Shifts functionality enabled, you may want to filter your report by the shift.  The Filters dialog contains fields to do this, but remember that the dates are also used for filtering -- so if you have a night shift that spans 2 dates, be sure to include both dates in the filter.



Sorting and Totals


You can sort the detail transaction list many ways by clicking on the column header as in other reports.  You will notice that sorting by some fields will result in groupings with sub-total lines between each group.  This provides a quick way to get mini-summaries for Transaction Types, Categories, Pay Methods, Discounts, Site Type, Site, and Operator.  The sub-totals for each group can be useful for some daily accounting tasks -- sort by Payment Method to get the total receipts for cash, Visa, Discover, etc., or sort by Type to get the total Payments (receipts), Tax charged, refunds, etc.


Some of the totals and subtotals need to be explained further.  In addition to the total number of transactions at the bottom of the list (and subtotals after each group), you will see values under the Qty, Each, and Total columns.  


The Qty total is self-explanatory, although not terribly meaningful unless the list is sorted by Category since otherwise the quantities for days rent, supplies, propane and so forth would be mixed together.  (Depending on how your categories are defined, some Qty totals may not be useful in any case.)


The totals under the Total column would seem obvious, but keep in mind that some transaction amounts are added to the total while others are subtracted, even though the individual transactions almost always show a positive amount.  For instance, any "Charge" transactions, including Taxes, are considered negative values, and receipts like Payments and Deposits are positive.  Expenses are negative, Misc. Income is positive, Refunds are negative, and so forth according to whether the amount would be a credit or debit to the campground.  (Also note that when viewing Reservation balances and printing reservation receipts, these values are reversed since they are from the customer's perspective -- charges are positive outstanding balances, while payments subtract from their balance.)


It's important to note that if you accept advance Deposits, the totals on the detail report probably won't mean much. For one, Deposits are added just like Payments, not reflecting true income.  In addition, Deposits Applied also affect the total here, even though they don't affect the actual balance due for reservations, etc.  So if you're not filtering out these transaction types, the overall total won't be meaningful.


As if this wasn't confusing enough, you have the option to show all totals as positive for summary reports -- more on that later, since it doesn't affect the Detail view.


Finally, there are the totals in the Each column.  These are calculated as an average -- the Total divided by the Qty.  Obviously these values only make sense in the cases where Qty makes sense, and when the transactions are sorted/grouped by something like Category or Type which will separate the charges from the receipts.



Interpolated Details


If the summary option is selected to interpolate categories for payments, then the details shown will not be real transactions -- they will be interpolated, or calculated, from the original transactions.  These are similar to "split" payment transactions, or a result of prior deposits applied to particular categories.  Since they're not real transactions, the values will be shown in grey instead of black, and the description will show "(Interpolated)".


This is usually due to using the Receipts by Category quick-report and then unchecking the Summarize box to view the details.  This is useful for locating the source of transaction amounts that appear in the Receipts by Category report -- even though they're not real transactions, they act the same way.  You can right-click on them to view the reservation or customer transactions that the result is coming from.



Editing Transaction Details


If you have the proper access level you can edit transaction details or delete transactions.  It can't be done directly from this report, but you can right-click on any transaction and select Transactions from the menu to open the Transactions dialog.  From there you can view the transaction details and make changes as needed.  Refer to the Working with Transactions for more information.



Also see:

 Filtering Transaction Reports

 Summary Transaction Reports

 Receipts by Category Report



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