Different rates by rig size

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Q: How can I charge 2 separate rates for the same RV site, if the rig is over or under 30 feet long.


A: You can use the "Applies if reservation field" part of the Rate definition to make one rate apply if the Rig Length is >= (greater than or equal to) 30 feet. Make sure that the rate for >= 30 feet appears ABOVE the rate for under 30 feet (in the Rates Setup list), so it takes priority.  Likewise you could have several brackets if needed, just making sure that they are in order from longest to shortest.  Also note that it's not necessary (or possible) to use the "Applies if reservation field" option for the shortest rig length, as that rate will be used automatically if the longer rig lengths don't apply.


IMPORTANT: There are 2 "Rig Length" fields -- one for the Customer record and one for the Reservation record.  Both are set at once if you fill in the Rig Length when making a new reservation, in the New Reservation dialog.  The Customer field is only used to remember their size for next time -- it is not used for the current reservation.  Changing it in Customer Details will not automatically change the Reservation's rig length field.  So if you're setting the rig length after a reservation has been made and need it to be used for the rates, you must go to Reservation Details and set it through the "Site Preferences" function.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/differentratesbyrigsize.html

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