Duplicating Reservations for Next Year

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We're occasionally asked about an easy way of duplicating all of the current seasonal reservations for the following year.  This can be done with Scripting, but it's a rather advanced procedure.


Version 9.2 includes a Sample "Package" with functions to copy a single reservation or all reservations shown on a tab view to another reservation with the same customer and dates the following year. Please note that this should not just be used arbitrarily -- it's meant as a starting example you can use to customize for your particular needs, and some programming expertise is required.  As with all Advanced Customization features, standard support does not include helping with any issues arising from this.


To import it, go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Import Package.  Select the file "Sample Package - Copy reservations to next year" from the Samples folder under the Campground Master program files folder.


When this sample is imported, 2 new functions will be added to the right-click menu for most tab views (On Site, Arrivals, Departures, Payments Due, etc) -- "Copy this reservation to next year" and "Copy All Shown Reservations to next year".


Note that the sample scripts only copy the standard reservation fields.  If you have created your own "User" fields, code for copying those will need to be added to the script "NewResvOnDates".  Also note that it does not copy any charges/rates.  Those will need to be added manually, or if you're using Auto-Rates then they will be added at the time of check-in.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/duplicating-reservations-for-n.html

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