Find Inventory Item

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The Find Inventory Item function is opened through P.O.S. / Find Inventory Item on the main menu.  It can also be opened by pressing the Ctrl-I key.


This dialog is used to locate an inventory item in the database, and is also used from inside other functions such as Edit Inventory and Create Purchase Orders, as well as when Find More is used inside the P.O.S. dialog search results list.  


It can also be used to print simple inventory list reports according to a specific filter (or no filter at all, to list all items).  While that's also possible with the Inventory Check-list report, there is a difference -- In this dialog, each item shows its price and price with tax (public information).  The Inventory Check-list report is designed for internal use, showing Cost and Total Cost for inventory valuation.  As with all other reports, the items listed can be printed, exported, or copied to the clipboard.


Normally you would just enter a search term or scan an item into the text box.  However you can also filter items using the Inventory Filter, either in combination with a search term or instead of a search term.  The filtering allows you to locate items by many different criteria.


When you find the inventory item you're interested in, double-click on the line or select the item and press the View or Use button  -- depending on how it's invoked, this "OK" function is different.  If it's used from inside another function, then the "OK" function is to close the Find dialog and use that item for the indicated function (e.g. add it to the purchase order).  If it's invoked from the top level (main menu or Ctrl-I), then the OK function is to view the item's details.


When you're finished with finding items, or don't want to use any of those found for the function you came from, click Cancel.


Once a list is displayed, you can print the entire list, or print a Form for any inventory items selected, by clicking the Print List / Forms button.  Therefore this dialog can also be used to print out filtered item list, or for batch-printing Forms or labels for selected items.  Once this button is clicked, the Select Form dialog will allow you to choose what to print -- the list in grid format or a form for each selected item.

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