Getting to transactions on a linked reservation

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Q: How do I get to transactions on a linked (synchronized or submember) reservation?  I can see by the reservation history that there's a charge on it, but New/Edit Transactions always comes up with the transactions for the "Linked master" instead.



A: Just for clarification -- With changes in version 3.0 the transactions should always go on the linked master, not the sub-member or synchronized reservations.  This is so that they will all appear on one receipt.  However you may experience this problem if you already had transactions on these reservations prior to upgrading.  


To get to the transactions on non-master reservations, you need to enable the option "Warn that transactions should go on the master" under Maintenance / Program Options / Prompt (because if the option is disabled, it always goes to the master reservation without asking).  Then you can use New/Edit Transactions from the linked reservation -- it will show a warning about transactions on linked reservations, but click Yes to get past the warning.  We recommend disabling that prompt again after you've resolved the transaction problem, to prevent transactions from getting in the wrong place again.



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