Handling non-site rentals like storage

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Q: What is the best way to log storage?  We don't have site #'s for it.


A: If you want to treat them like reservations, with rates, receipts, reporting, etc., then they need to be on Sites.  You can just put in a bunch of storage "sites", for instance numbered S1 to S100, and just use the next available storage site for each one you add.


You can add any number of sequentially numbered sites in a single step using the "Add/Insert Multiple Sites" function in Maintenance / Park Setup / Sites (or if you're not using version 3.5 yet, this function is in Maintenance / Raw Data Tables / Sites).  We recommend that you add the first one in the normal way so you can set its Type, Class, Park, and other attributes, and then use the multiple-sites function to clone it as many times as needed with sequential numbers starting at # 2.



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