Having 2 different check-in or check-out times

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Q: We have some sites with a different check-in and check-out time.  Since that's set in one place, through Maintenance / Park Setup / Parks, how can I have different times?


A: If you have multiple Parks records then they can have separate check-in and/or check-out times.  In Maintenance / Park Setup / Parks, Add another park record.  Make sure to copy all of the Park Name and address fields exactly, so the Key Code matches the first park record, and also copy the Authorization Code, but change the "Short name" for identification purposes (e.g. "Cabins").  Then set the check in/out times accordingly.  Finally, go to the Sites setup (Park Setup / Sites) and select the appropriate Park for each site that has the different times so it's part of the new "park".  This won't affect reporting - unless you specifically select one Park in the filtering, both parks will be reported as one.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/having2differentcheck-inor.html

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