How to do an "on account" sale

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Q: A clerk wants to enter a P.O.S. sale on someone's account by selecting the customer for the sale, but when "Done" is clicked it says that a payment must be entered.  Do we enter a payment with "On account" as the payment method?


A: Using "On account" as the payment method is not recommended -- that payment method is intended for entering previous customer credit balances which existed before Campground Master was used.  What you need to do is change the Access Levels to allow clerks to do customer sales without entering a payment.  


Go to Maintenance / Park Setup / Access Levels, and look for the entry "POS - Add POS sales to Customers  (without full payment)".  Edit that access level and select "Clerk" for the access level.  You may also want to do this for some of the other items, e.g. for adding POS sales to Reservations as well as Customers.


By the way, if you don't see the "Select Customer" option at the top of the POS Sales entry screen, then you may want to get the latest version so that on-account sales are easier.  The old method requires locating the customer first, then going to New/Edit Transactions and then to POS.


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