Import Package

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This function, available through Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Import Package, is primarily for you to import customizations created by the software provider.  This difference between this function and the "Import" functions available on the various Setup dialogs (e.g. Setup Forms) is that this function will import every record in the selected file no matter what kind it is -- so it can import Forms, Dialogs, Menus, Color Schemes, etc in one step instead of going to each function separately.


When you select this function you'll get a typical Windows file dialog labelled "Import Package".  You need to locate the appropriate folder which contains the package file, select the appropriate file, and click Open.  Once the package is imported, nothing in particular will indicate success -- however there may be a warning shown due to duplicate names imported.


Note that the import/export files use the "CSV" file extension (e.g. "Sample.csv"), which means it's a comma-separated-value text file. Windows may recognize this file as something another program can open, but these are in a special format for Campground Master and should not be used in other programs.



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