Customer Mailing Labels, Envelopes and Other Forms

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The dialogs for printing mailing labels or envelopes and other forms are identical, they just print different formats.  You can get to this report dialog from the main Report menu or from a right-click menu on many tab views (select the option to print an envelope or form for the selected customer, or print mailing labels/envelopes for all shown customers).


The default Mailing Labels are formatted to the industry standard "30-up" label sheet on Letter size (8.5" x 11") paper -- Avery numbers 8460, 8660, 8920, 8940, etc.  While this format cannot be changed, if the labels don't print in the proper position then you may need to adjust the Printer Offsets in File / Printing Options.  Experiment with plain paper before using labels.


The default Envelopes are formatted for a typical #9 or #10 envelope, but can be sized to any envelope by changing the paper size and orientation in File / Printer Settings / Envelopes and the address offsets in File / Printing Options.  You will probably also need to change the Printer Settings for Envelopes to use Landscape orientation if you have to feed them end-wise, besides selecting the proper paper size (e.g. Envelope - #10).


In either case, there may be other form selections available from the drop-down list.  The selections available depend on what formats have been set up in the Forms Setup, as well as the user's access level and the context of the report (customers, vendors, etc.).


If you want the return address to also be printed on the envelope, you can enable that and set its position in File / Printing Options.  Note that if you have multiple Park records in your database, the return address printed for each customer will be from the park associated with its most recent reservation (the most recent being the last one actually created, regardless of whether the reservation is for a past or future date).



Filtering customers to be included


If you're preparing for a mass mailing of an advertisement, you should check the Filter out "Exclude from Mailings" customers box to eliminate those who do not want mail.  You might also want to check Filter out "Warning flag" customers if you don't want to send to those that have a warning flag.


If entering this dialog from the main Reports menu, all customers will be shown in the list to print.  If entering from a right-click menu on a tab view, then only those customers from that view will be shown.  The Filter out duplicate customers box is checked by default, since tab views can often show multiple reservations for the same customer.  Of course you can always uncheck this, perhaps so that labels and receipts are matched up properly even for those customers with multiple reservations.


You can also filter the customers to print by checking the Use reservation, with optional filtering box.  (This check box is not shown if entering from a right-click on a view, since you're using reservations already.)  First this will eliminate any customers that do not have reservation records (customers entered as guests, or who only purchased something in the gift shop, etc.).   Then you can further filter the list with the Reservation Filtering button.  Since this filtering is identical to the filtering used for batch-printing receipts, it is described separately below.  Note that the filtering options are not saved once the report dialog is closed.


The total number of customers in the list is shown at the bottom. Also note that you can double-click on any line to get the Customer Details dialog, where you could fix an address, check the Exclude from Mailing flag (for instance on ones that have no zip code), or any other changes.  The list will be re-generated with any updates you make.


If you would like to print out the list or export the list to a CSV file, use the Print List or Export List button.  This will print or export the entire contents of the list in the dialog, just as it is shown.


Once you have them filtered as needed, you can trim down the list further by selecting only those customers to print.  For instance, it may be handy to sort them by zip code (the default), and select only those records with zip codes.  Use the multi-select methods to select multiple records (click / shift-click for a range, ctrl-click for individual lines).  If none are selected, all will be printed (the same as selecting all records).



Customer Receipt options


If you're printing customer receipts, then you might want to only print recent transactions instead of their whole history.  These options will be present only if printing receipts, not labels, envelopes or other forms.  For details, see the Printing Reservation Receipts section that follows.


Finally, just click Print (or press F8) to print them.



Further Topics:


Report Dialog Controls


Reservation Filtering




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