New Documentation Topics

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We have added some new sections to the documentation to better explain some common issues.  Please take a few minutes to look at these, if only to note that they exist if you need them in the future.  Click on the links to jump directly to that topic in the online documentation.



Reservation Linking Examples -- Some detailed examples of common tasks of creating or adding linked reservations (and the whole section on linking has been rearranged to be easier to reference)


Monthly / Long-term Reservations -- Recommended methods of handling monthly or other long-term reservations are explained in detail.


Transaction / reporting procedures -- Recommended methods of handling reservation transactions and common reporting issues are explained, such as how best to handle deposits.


E-mailing receipts -- A basic explanation of how to start E-mailing receipts to your customers.


Full network synchronization (quick method) -- A new "quick" method of solving synchronization issues has been added which should solve most issues, as long as you're using a current version of the software.



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