E-mailing receipts

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Q: How can I E-mail a receipt to a customer?


A: Version 7.0 and later allows attachments to E-mail.  So you can use a PDF printer to print it to a file, then you can send it via Campground Master.


You first need to install a "PDF printer driver" (look for one on Google), so you can print the invoice to a PDF file. Then use the Attach option when E-mailing to attach the PDF file.



Alternatively, in version 8.0, there's a new "E-mail receipt" sample form that you can import.  It's not pretty like a PDF receipt since it's just text-based, which is why we haven't been encouraging it, but it may fit your needs.  Once imported, you'll have that as another choice when you click the "E-mail confirmation" button.


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Forms


2. Click the Import Form(s) button, and you'll get a typical Windows file-open dialog labeled "Import Forms".


3. You need to locate the sample Forms folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Campground Master\Samples (most likely you just need to double-click the "Samples" folder to get there, but you may have to navigate to the C: drive first using the "Look In" drop down at the top).


4. Now select the appropriate file, for instance "Sample Forms - E-mail receipt with transactions", and click Open.  That will add the new form.  Close the Forms Setup.



The new E-mail form will appear as an additional selection option when you click the "E-mail confirmation" button in the Reservation's Transaction dialog.



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