On Site Tab View

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The On Site view shows all reservations that occupy sites for dates in the selected range (defaulting to yesterday and today, which shows any customers that may currently be on-site).  The report is sorted by the site by default.  This view is primarily used as a quick reference to who is currently in the campground (especially with Current Only selected, see below). It's handy if you need a list for security gate or walk-around purposes, or if someone calls the office looking for a customer.  By changing the dates you can see future occupancy, so for instance you could use it to get a list of all campers who will be here on a holiday.


There's a special control at the top, Current Only, which when selected will limit the list to those who are currently checked in (eliminating those who have not yet arrived and those who have already checked out, and also eliminating Owner-type reservations).  This will result in a more accurate report of who is actually present.  Note that Day Passes will still be shown since they are assumed to be on site any time during that day and do not check in or out.  They can be excluded by selecting "Assigned Sites" from the Site Types list.


There is an option (under the Options button) to include empty sites when sorting by Site.  This provides better visual feedback for "empty" sites and is especially useful for walk-around checking, but also makes the report longer.


Note that reservations on the Waiting List can also appear on this report (if this option is set under the Options button). These will be highlighted with * Waiting * in front of the customer name.  


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/onsite.html

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