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If you're not able to use the Hercules 2-way online integration, there are a few ways you can still interface with your own web site or another 3rd-party system that sends E-mail reservation data to you.


The specifics of the setup depend on which types of online requests you want to handle -- retrieving and parsing formatted E-mail requests, uploading vacancy grid pages to your own web site, or integration with an online reservation service.


Once you've decided which parts of the online reservation support you need to use, there are 4 major steps that need to be performed for setup:


Data Fields -- Enable the appropriate data fields needed for online request processing.


Connections & Options -- Set up the connection parameters required for each type of processing used.


Parsing Sets -- Define the parsing rules for extracting data from the requests.


Site Fields -- Fill in the specifics of how each site will be used and identified for online requests.


Each of these is covered in detail in the following sections.  See the "Setting Up" checklists for each type of online reservation handling for a quick guide to what's needed.




Further Topics:


Setting Up for Export to Web Vacancy Grids


Setting Up for E-mail Requests


Data Fields Used


Online Connections - General


Online Connections - Export to Web


Online Connections - E-mail Requests


Online Setup - Parsing Sets


Online Setup - Site Data Fields


Retrieving Online Reservations




Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/overviewonlineresvsetup.html

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