Partial refunds to a credit card

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(This only applies if you're processing credit cards through Campground Master.)


There will be times when you need to do a partial refund to a credit card, for instance if they decide to leave early or if a mistake was found after processing the card.  There are a couple ways to handle this, depending on the situation.


One way is to Void the original payment, then just run it through again with the correct amount.  However this has a few drawbacks:


1. It can only be done on the same day as the original payment (before the daily settlement is done).  


2: You probably need to have the card available to swipe again, since the Void will delete the original payment along with its credit card information.


3. It's possible that it may not be approved the second time, since the amount of the original payment is still "held" until settlement.  If they're close to their limit, it may not approve the additional charge.


The other way is to simply enter a Refund transaction for the difference.  After adjusting the rates as needed (which should result in a negative balance for the credit due), use the "Refund" function to credit the difference to the credit card.  This can be done any time, and the credit card information is available from the original payment so they don't need to be present.  While not quite as "clean" in the results, it works in any situation and provides a better audit trail of information.



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