Processing Setup Options

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The Processing Setup options are accessed through Maintenance / Credit Cards / Processing Setup.  These options are primarily related to the actual processing software and mag-stripe reader.  See Maintenance / Printing Options / Credit Cards for options related to what information is printed on receipts, and File / Printer Setup to configure the appropriate printer (e.g. if using a 3" receipt printer).


Note: All credit card processing settings are local to each workstation.  Be sure to update all computers when setting up or if any change is required.



Enable credit card processing -- This option must be enabled to set any other options, and to enable the "Process" function on the payment entry dialogs.


Processing software used -- Select the gateway or type of processing software being used.  See Processing Software Options for details.


Copy settings from the Master workstation --  This button (only visible to client workstations) will copy all applicable settings from the Master workstation, so you don't have to re-enter everything again on each client.  This is applicable to XpressLink/Edgelink, Cayan MerchantWare, MCPS/T-Gate and PC Charge settings, as well as the general processing setup options on this dialog.


Send processing requests to the Master workstation vs. Processing software is installed on this computer -- This option was only important for older methods of credit card processing (X-Charge request file method, IC Verify, and PC Charge).  For any of the newer methods, this choice is disabled and "Processing software is installed on this computer" will be selected.


Path to use for swiped cards -- (only used for obsolete interfaces).


Path to use for keyed-in cards -- (only used for obsolete interfaces).


Time-out for processing -- Enter how many seconds to wait for a response.  This should allow enough time for the processing software to connect, process, and return a response.  This value only applies if processing locally.  If it's sending requests to the master workstation, the master's time-out value is used.  Note that in a multiple-workstation environment, you should allow extra time in case it's busy with another workstation's request.


Also note that for some processing methods, this timeout may be ignored and a built-in time-out is used (e.g. for internet requests using MerchantWare and MCPS).


IMPORTANT -- If Campground Master times out while the processing software is still trying to connect, this will result in duplicate charges to the customer's credit card!  If you ever get a time-out message in Campground Master while the processing software is still attempting to connect, increase the time-out setting.  (And be sure to void the extra charge through the processing software's interface.)


WARNING -- The time-out value is only intended as a fail-safe in case the processing software fails or is not running.  Make sure the time-out value is sufficient for the processing software to give up before Campground Master times out.


This workstation's "User" number -- (only used for obsolete interfaces).  If enabled, this designates a unique user/computer number to avoid conflicts when processing from multiple computers.  For some processing options, this determines the file name used for the request/answer file.  This is normally 1, but if you have multiple workstations then each one will have to have a different number.  Note that the lowest user number for the processing software is 1, not 0 -- so don't use 0 like you do for the networking ID.



AVS enabled -- You can set this if you want to use (and your processor supports) Address Verification.  The Zip code and Address information will be included in the authorization request if it's available, and the response will show the AVS response.


CVV2/CVC enabled --  You can set this if you want to enter a CVV2/CVC code for credit card payments (the extra 3-digit code on the back of some credit cards, or the 4-digit CID code on the front of American Express cards).  If your credit card processor supports CVV2, the response will be shown for this also.


Void transactions must be done directly with the processing software -- Normally you can do Voids directly in Campground Master by deleting the payment (or refund) transaction, and it will be processed accordingly.  However, in some cases the processing software may not allow voids to be handled through Campground Master, so this option would be checked to allow voids to be deleted without processing.  Do not check this option unless you always get an error message when trying to Void a transaction!


Forced Sales enabled -- If your processor enables forced sales (entering an approval code obtained by voice authorization), and you want your clerks to be able to do this, then check this option.  An extra "Forced" button will appear on the payment entry dialog allowing you to do a forced sale.


Process swiped cards automatically -- This option saves a step when swiping cards -- as soon as the card is read (successfully), it will submit the payment for processing so you don't have to click the Process button.  Note that if you select this option, you must enter CVV2/CVC code and/or address information before swiping the card!  Also note that it might start processing automatically even without this option enabled, if you don't have either AVS or CVV2 enabled -- this can happen if the card swipe you're using sends an extra carriage return at the end of the swiped data, causing the "Process" button to be pressed.  Enabling AVS or CVV2 will prevent this by putting an extra input field on the dialog so the carriage return doesn't go to the "Process" button.


Automatically close payment dialog if the transaction is approved -- This option can save yet another step.  As long as the transaction is approved, the dialog will immediately close without requiring you to "OK" the approval message.  The only drawback is that you won't be able to see the AVS or CVV2/CVC response codes.


Include billing address entry fields if AVS is enabled -- If you use AVS, Campground Master will automatically get the address information from a customer's record whenever possible.  However if the customer record is not filled out yet, or if you're entering unbound/POS transactions with no customer information, you may want to enter this information manually.  This option adds Zip/address entry fields that can be filled in when needed.  You can also verify/change the information before processing as needed.


Card reader supports 2 tracks of data -- If you're using a magnetic strip reader and it's a Track 1&2 (or 3-track) reader, this option should be selected so that the program knows to expect 2 tracks of data before processing it.  If you want to submit both tracks of data to the processing software, you should select the "Submit both tracks" option also (it's not always required, but in some cases will help the authorizations go through).



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