Queries Setup

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To create a Query, go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Queries.  This opens the Queries Setup dialog, which lists all current Queries and has the typical functions for adding, editing, etc.  Note that while there are functions to Move Up and Move Down, a Query's position in the list does not affect any functionality other than its order in drop-down selection lists.  This of course may be important to you for organizational purposes.


You can also Export one or more Queries to a text file, or Import Queries.  This is primarily for you to import Forms created by the software provider, though it can also be used to transfer Forms between multiple databases.  Note that the Export and Import functions will also Export or Import any Color Schemes used in the Query definition.


Queries cannot have duplicate names (or else they could not be uniquely selected from a list). If you make a Copy, text like "(copy 1)" will be added to the name to make it unique.  Of course you can change this to something more appropriate.  Duplicate checking for the names is not case-sensitive ("My Query" is considered the same as "my query").


When you Add or Insert a query, you will first be asked what kind of Query you want.  This is because the editing of each type is quite different.  Once you select the type, it will continue to an editing dialog for that type -- either for a List Query or a Cross-Table Query.


Importing Sample Queries


Several sample Queries are included with Campground Master which you can use as reports, learn from, or modify as needed. To use these samples, you must first Import them.  Click the Import queries button, and you'll get a typical Windows file dialog labelled "Import Queries".  You need to locate the samples folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Campground Master\Samples (most likely you just need to double-click the "Samples" folder to get there).  Now select the appropriate file, for instance "Sample Query - Rent Roll" to get a Rent Roll example, and Open.


Note that the import/export files use the "CSV" file extension (e.g. Sample.csv), which means it's a comma-separated-value text file. Windows may recognize this file extension as something another program can open like Excel, but these are in a special format for importing records to Campground Master and should not be used in other functions.  Also avoid opening different kinds of samples which use the same extension (e.g. don't open a Form sample from an Import Script function).


When you're importing sample Queries, it may also import Macros or Scripts that are used in the Query.  If these are already defined, resulting in a duplicate name, then a warning will be shown listing the duplicates and what their names were changed to during the import.  These might be safe to delete, assuming the imported version does the same thing as the original version.  Otherwise you will need to change any expressions in the Queries that use the Macro or Script so that it uses the correct name.


Once the sample is imported, you'll see it appear in the Queries list.  You can Edit the Query to make any changes you need.




Additional Topics:


Queries Overview

Editing List Queries

Editing Query Columns

Sorting Hierarchies

Filter Conditions

Save & Test Queries

Editing Cross-Table Queries

Cross-Table Axis/Groupings

Cross-Table Custom Groupings




Color Schemes


Advanced Customizations Overview & other topics




Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/queriessetupdialog.html

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