Query customers excluded from E-mail

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Here is an example of a simple query, where the user wants a list of all customers that have the "Exclude from E-mail" flag set.


As with any Advanced Customization function, Queries can get pretty technical.  We recommend reading through the documentation if you want to understand more about making custom queries.  This particular query is one of the simplest to do.


Follow these steps:


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Queries.


2. Click "Add Query".


3. You'll be given a choice of List or Cross-table -- select "List Query".


4. Enter a name for the query -- e.g. "Excluded from E-mail"


5. Select "Customers" for the Base Table.


6. Click "Quick-Add Fields".  This is an easy way to select the fields (columns) you want to be shown in the report.


7. Double-click on each data field you need to see -- e.g. First Names, Last Name, E-mail, State, etc.  As you double-click each one in the left-hand column, it will move to the right-hand "Selected" column.  If you have trouble double-clicking, you can click on the field and then click the "-->" button to move it over.  Click "Done" when finished adding fields.


8. Now we need to tell it which customer records we need.  Click "Edit Filtering Conditions...", then click "Add New Condition".


9. Enter the text below for the expression (all spacing and punctuation must be exact as well as the spelling and capitalization):


Cust:Cust_Exclude_Email = .T.


10. Save that, then click Done to get back to Edit List Query Definition.  You can click "Save & Test" to make sure it works OK if you like.


11. Save & Close, back to the main screen.


If this is your first query, you'll notice that a new "Queries" tab view has appeared between Payments Due and Transactions.  Go to that tab view and select the new query from the list at the top.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/querycustomersexcludedfrom.html

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