Rates based on starting day

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Q: How do we make a Rate that depends on the day of the week?  For instance, if a 4-day reservation starts on Monday, we have a discounted rate.


A: If you're using version 4.2.2 or later, you can do this using the "Advanced Condition Expression" setting in the Rates definitions.


First, assuming this is for a rate that's at least 4 days but less than 1 week, you would need the rate to be set up as "Applies if >= 4 days" and "Applies if <= 6 days".


Then, put this in the Advanced Condition Expression:


 DoW(Resv:Resv_First_Date) = 2


It has to be exact, so use copy/paste if possible.  The "Dow" fucntion gets the day of the week, and 2 is the value for Monday.


Also note that you should have this rate above the normal daily rate in the list (so it checks these conditions first), so then for any extra days it will use the normal daily rate.



Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/ratesbasedonstartingday.html

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