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One of our customers writes with this request:


As a suggestion, a "yellow sticky" or "things to do/check/resolve/be aware of" pop up would be great.


Our response:


There are plans to add notices like this for reservations (e.g. reminders at check-in), but not necessarily general purpose ones because it wouldn't necessarily know when or where to show them.  There are a number of separate sticky-note programs you might look into, usually under $20, and probably some free ones.  Try a search on Google for "sticky-notes software".



Another issue that seems to be coming up quite a bit:


One issue we are having with the software is people not filling out the reservation forms completely when they take the reservation.  In addition, it's hard to tell who made the mistake because multiple people use the computer and it's not convenient to have people log out and back in every time they step up to it.  Would it be possible to put a field in the reservation detail where the operator has to enter their code by hand (or else the reservation won't allow "done/save" ) ?


Our response:


There isn't a way to do this yet, but it should be no problem in version 4.0.  We plan to add customizable "validation" functionality so that you can prevent it from saving the reservation unless certain fields are filled in.  You could also add a field for the operator's code, but with the validation functionality available the operator code may not be necessary.


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