Receipts Settings

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(Accessed through Maintenance / Printing Options / Receipts, or File / Printing Options / Receipts.)


Note that these options apply mainly to the "default" receipts and forms or any custom forms derived from them.  Custom forms can also incorporate these settings if desired, or they may be completely ignored -- see the Forms Setup section for more details.


Settings here are general receipt settings that apply to all types of receipts.  Settings specific to Reservation receipts are found under the Reservations tab.


Unbound receipt default format -- Select the receipt format to use when printing a receipt for Unbound Transactions.  This is typically for merchandise sales, so the Quick Receipt is the initial default.


Copies -- If you usually print duplicate receipts, you can change this to 2 so that you don't have to change the number of copies every time you print a receipt.  (You can still change the number of copies on the print dialog when printing -- this just determines the default number.).


Always Preview Receipts Before Printing -- When this option is set, you will get the chance to preview the printout before actually printing a receipt.  (This option is the only way to get a preview for receipts.)


Show printer setup dialog when printing receipts -- When checked, a dialog will appear every time you print with options for printer selection, layout, number of copies, etc.  This requires an extra step to "OK" this dialog each time.  By unchecking this option, that dialog is skipped so there's one less mouse click required.  It will use the default settings from Printer Setup for the selected receipt type and the number of copies selected above.  A small "Printing" message will appear momentarily just to let you know that it's printing, since there may not be any other indication if you're not near the printer.


Show transaction category for charges (eg: "Gift shop : " prefix before description) -- Charge transactions always have a transaction category and a description.  Generally the description is enough to show on the receipts (and the description defaults to the same as the category when entering transactions), so this option is disabled by default.  If you want to make sure the category is also printed on receipts (if not included in the description already), enable this option.


Show tax details on receipts -- by default, each line for sales tax or other tax category will show the amount taxed and the percentage rate, like ($20.00 @ 8.25%).  If you prefer not to have that information printed on the receipt (for instance to keep customers from noticing the actual tax rate), you can disable this option.


Combine taxes of the same kind into a single line on receipts -- When entering transactions, taxes are usually added automatically.  This can result in multiple Tax transactions of the same kind, especially when entering counter sales.  This option, which is enabled by default, will combine all taxes of the same type into one line (total) on the receipt.  Different tax types, for instance Sales Tax and Hotel Tax, will still be on separate lines. If you need to see each tax entry separately, then turn this option off.


Show Receipt # on receipts -- If this is checked, one or more receipt numbers will appear on receipts.  Note that the receipt numbers are not terribly meaningful for reservation receipts (they are designed for point-of-sale receipts), but you can include them for reference.  Each receipt number, if there is more than one, will appear on a separate line.  This could significantly reduce the amount of space available for printing the transactions.  Also note that "Receipt #" is the default name of this field, but if you prefer "Invoice #" or some other name, you can change this by editing the name (Short Label and Report Heading) of this field under Define Data Fields / Transaction Fields.


Show the current date on all receipts -- This option will put the date on each receipt (when it's printed), either in the upper right or lower right corner depending on the format.


Wrap Memo transactions to multiple lines if longer than ... characters -- This should be set to a reasonable line-length for a maximum memo length per line.  If a memo longer than this is entered, it will be automatically split into multiple lines (transaction entries) so it doesn't cause the Transaction table to stretch so far as to require scrolling to see the last column.  This also helps printed receipts, since the receipts have a limited length per line for descriptions (assuming a "Printed Memo" is entered).


3" Receipt printer fixed-pitch font -- If you are using a receipt printer, this should be set to the name of the printer's "native" fixed-pitch font, generally a font that is used for 40-column text output.  This is used if the receipt format "3" Receipt Printer, fixed-pitch font" is used for printing transaction receipts.  You will need to find the name of the font from the printer's manual or programming guide.  This font often refers to "cpi" (characters per inch), like "FontB11", "ANK 15cpi" or "21cpi".  If you don't know the name, try "Courier New" to select the Windows fixed-pitch font.  This may also work with your printer.


Size -- This is the font size to be used with the selected 3" printer font.  In some cases this needs to be adjusted to get 40 columns to fit on the printer.


Columns -- This is only used with the fixed-pitch font receipt format for 3" receipt printers, and specifies how many columns are available on the printer.  Most receipt printers support 40 columns, but some can use a smaller font for more columns.  If one letter is getting cut off, try 39 columns.


3" Receipt printer proportional font -- If you are using a receipt printer but prefer a fancier non-fixed-pitch font, this can be set to the name of a proportional font that the printer supports.  For some printers, e.g. the STAR SP300 or SP500, this can be any Windows font like Arial or Times New Roman.


Park shown on non-reservation receipts -- If you have multiple park records set up with different name and/or address information, the first one is used by default for transaction receipts with no site/reservation involved, because it can't determine which park the transactions apply to.  The first park record may not be appropriate in all cases, especially if you're using multiple networked workstations where each park has its own workstation.  On each workstation, you can select the appropriate park record to be used for unbound transactions.  Note that this also applies to printing envelope return addresses.


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