Reporting Site Income Per Day

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Q: We need a report that gives us our earned income per day.  For example, if a "Seasonal Camper" has paid $3000 and there are 214 nights in our season, the average "earned income" per day is $14.02 for that site.  I did find in the sample Query imports an average daily amount paid, by site type.  This reports the average income on the last day of the stay.  I need a report or query that gives me the average income for the stay for each day of the stay, per site, not just site type.  Is this possible?  Thank you in advance for your assistance.


A: There is a sample query you can import for that: "Sample Query - Total revenue by site, by reservation dates"


It has the same linked-reservation issue as other transaction reports by site (all transactions are reported under the "Linked Master" site for linked reservations), but it does divide it up by day.


See the documentation for importing sample queries:


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