Reporting balances as of a certain date

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If you want to report all reservations with a balance as of a certain past date, and assuming they still currently have a balance, there is a tricky short-cut for this. (There is also a sample Query you can import, but that's a more complex option -- see below).


Go to the Payments Due tab, and under the Options, enable the "Current" field for Aged Balances Due.  Now the "Current" column will show the balance as of whatever date you enter for the date ("Show any due as of").  Also check the box "Show all with balances".


Note that it will normally show the Reservation balance, but if you check the box "Use Customer balance" under Options, then it will show the Customer balance - but of course this can result in duplications if they have multiple reservations.


As mentioned, this will only show reservations that will normally show under Payments Due, according to the other Options set -- any with current balances, or pending with no deposit, etc...  If you need to comprehensive report for As-Of balances regardless of their current status, you can import the sample query that does this.


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Queries


2. Click the Import Query button, and you'll get a typical Windows file-open dialog labeled "Import Query".


3. You need to locate the sample Forms folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Campground Master\Samples (most likely you just need to double-click the "Samples" folder to get there, but you may have to navigate to the C: drive first using the "Look In" drop down at the top").


4. Now select the appropriate file, for instance "Sample Query - Balances Due as-of a date", and click Open.  You'll see one or more queries added to the list.  When done importing, click Close.


Now that query will be added to the Query tab view (that tab will be newly added in front of the Transactions tab if you didn't have any Queries before this).  Just go to the Queries tab and select it from the list.



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