Report the number of reservations last year

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One of our customers needed to know how many reservations they had in 2005.  The Occupancy report can show the number of site-nights (if you turn off "Show as percentages"), but they didn't want that -- just how many actual reservations regardless of length.  The steps below show how this can be done with a different report.


1. Go to Reports / Arrival Statistics.


2. Click "Site/Reservation Filtering" and "Reset Filtering (include all)" (to make sure the filtering is cleared).  Select "Checked In" and "Checked Out" in the Reservation Status list (to exclude any cancelled, etc.).  Click OK to save the filter.


3. Click "Year-to-Date", and group by "Site Class" (for a short list), or whatever grouping works best for you.


4. Generate the report, and this will show the # of arrivals (e.g. unique reservations) for each site class.


The only drawback is that it won't show arrivals in the previous year (2004) that stayed over into 2005.  If you're a winter-season park, then using the Departures report the same way might be more useful (since most winter visitors stay through the end of the year).


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