Setting up rates for 50A

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Q: How should I set up sites and rates for 50A -- as an add-on or as a rental rate, and should I use an option or a different site type?


A: If you set up a separate site class/type, then it would always charge the 50A rate for that site whether they really use 50A or not.  If that's the way you want your rates to work then that's the best way to do it -- as a different site type, and a corresponding rate.


However if you only charge them if they say they're going to use 50A, then you need it to be an option.  If you don't already have the 50A attribute set up as a quick-preference option, this article shows how to do that:


Once you're using that 50A option, you can set it up either as an add-on charge or as a separate Rental Rate.  One advantage to making it as an add-on is that you generally only need one extra rate definition.  If you make it as part of the rental rate, then you will have to duplicate all of your applicable rental rates to have 50A versions of each of them (if you have multiple seasons, etc. then this could be time consuming).  So we usually recommend defining it as an Add-on rate.  Of course the key either way is to select the 50A field in the "Applies if reservation field" part of the rate definition.  This example for a cable rate has some details:


You'll also find a specific example of a 50A add-on rate in the Rate Setup Examples:



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