Shift Change

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This function only appears if Shift functionality is enabled.  See Define Data Fields for details on how to enable Shift Functionality.


Each time you want to close out a shift, use this function to change the shift number.  By default, it will simply increment the shift number (and this is the only option unless you have manager access).  If you have manager access, you can change the number to anything you want.


There is also an option to save the current database to a separate backup file on the hard drive.  The backup will be renamed to contain the shift number and date, so any number of backups can be made to the same location on the hard drive.


If you have networking enabled, this can only be done on the Master workstation.  It also makes sure that no other workstations have records locked (dialogs open), and will prevent any other workstation from accessing records until the shift change is completed.


To complete the shift change, simply click the OK button.  The backup will be saved if needed (and a prompt displayed showing the name of the backup), and the shift will be changed.



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