Shortening a Checked-In Stay

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If a reservation is not yet checked in, and presumably does not have charges applied yet, then shortening the stay is as simple as changing the Last Night.  This can be done on the Reservation Details, or directly on the Rack by right-clicking on the preferred last date and selecting "This is the new last date" from the context menu.


If the reservation is already checked in and they decide to leave early, then it takes a few more steps -- assuming that you allow refunds of the unused days.


So, lets say Alton has to leave 2 days sooner than planned.  Since he's giving plenty of notice, you decide to refund the 2 days.


1) Right-click on Alton's reservation on the Rack (on site 2), and select Reservation Details.


2) Change the Last Night so it's 2 days less than before.


3) Click New / Edit Transactions to get to the Transactions dialog.


On the Transactions dialog you'll see that it's already paid in full, with the transactions in blue indicating that they were auto-calculated.


4) Click the Auto-calculate Rate Charges button.  New transactions will be added with negative quantities, essentially reversing the charges for 2 days.  The reversed charges include the Escapees discount and Hotel Tax.   He now has a credit (negative) balance in Total Amount Due.


5) Click the Refund button and select the refund payment method (Cash in this case, since he paid in cash originally).  The amount is already filled in, assuming you give a total refund, so click Save.


The transactions should look like this now, with yellow indicating the transactions not yet committed (saved):





6) Print a new receipt if needed, then click Done to save the new transactions (taking you back to Reservation Details), and click Done again to save the date change.






Next step -- Cancelling a Reservation



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