Showing Customer Details during check-in

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If you would like to have the Customer Details window open up automatically when a customer is checked in, for instance to verify their information, you can do it with a simple Event Action, under Advanced Customizations.  (This requires Campground Master version 4.0 or later.)


1. Go to Maintenance / Advanced Customizations / Event Actions.


2. Click "Add event action".


3. Enter a name, like "Details after check-in"


4. For the Event Trigger, select "Check in reservation, after".  


5. In the Action expression, put:




6. Click Save.


That should do it -- customer details will appear before the normal Transactions dialog so you can verify information before completing the check-in.  


Note however that this is Customer details, not Reservation details, so changes to the number of people, discounts, etc. won't affect the specific reservation you're checking in.  For that you would still need to go into Reservation Details.  But whatever you do, don't be tempted to change this event to edit the reservation!  That would cause problems because you might already be in Reservation Details when you do the check-in, resulting in reservation details being open twice and potentially causing data corruption!



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