Software for E-mailing to Your Customer List

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We're often asked about sending E-mails to all of the customers in the database, for announcing special events and so forth.  You may be wondering why Campground Master can't do this.  Well, there are a couple of reasons -- it opens the door for potentially being labelled as a "spamming" program (we don't want to deal with these kinds of issues), and also there are enough other products that do the job well that it makes sense to not spend our time reinventing the wheel (there are so many other things that our customers are requesting).


We recommend the software that we use for our own mailings -- Group Mail Plus, by Infacta.  Go to for more information.  It can import your customer E-mail list (with names, etc.) after you export the data from Campground Master.  (Exporting a list of customers with E-mail addresses can be done in Reports / Customer E-mail List)


PLEASE! -- Don't be tempted to just dump a list of E-mails into your Outlook address book and send everybody a message that way.  For one thing, this is how viruses are usually spread ("worm" programs grab all of the E-mail addresses in your Outlook history and distribute spam and viruses to them), so it's not a risk you really want to expose to all of your customers.  Worse yet, if you just use "cc" to send copies to them all, then every one of your customers will be able to see the address of all of your other customers -- a very inconsiderate practice, not to mention exposing them to thousands more potential virus-spreaders even if your own computer is perfectly safe.


Using the Group Mail software, you can send E-mails to each customer without exposing them to any undue risk, and you can also customize each E-mail by including their name and other details.


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