Sorting unassigned reservations by date made

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Q: How can I add Reservation "Date Made" field to the Unassigned tab?  I need to be able to assign sites on a first come first serve basis for events. With that field available to me, I can sort and assign.


A: There isn't an option for this in the current version (the next version will allow field additions to the tabs), but here's an alternative -- if you include the Confirmation number, you can sort by that.  It typically includes the record ID of the reservation which will be in the order that they're made, with one exception if you're using multiple networked computers -- the workstation's ID will be the left-most digit(s).  So for instance R01000555 was made on workstation #1, and R00000570 was made on workstation #0.  The 555 one was made earlier than 570, but will appear "later" in the list because of the "R01" in front.  So just pay attention to the right-most digits of the number.


By the way, another alternative is to go to Reservations / Unassigned reservations, which does allow sorting by the date made.  However this shows all unassigned reservations in the system, regardless of their starting date, which may include many that you don't want to work with at the time.

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