Special One-time Discounts

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Q. We offer some special discounts that are one-time only (like and introductory special).  However since it remembers this discount and copies it into the customer record, it automatically selects that discount on their next visit when it shouldn't.  How can I keep it from doing this?


A. This is similar to the previous question about using discounts for other things, since it also relates to the remembering of Discounts, but in this case the solution is completely different.


For cases where you need to charge a different rate on only one visit, you can use a special Reservation Type instead of a Discount.  (Note: This assumes you're using version 3.0 or later, so reservation types can be added.)  Go to Maintenance / Pick Lists / Reservation Types and add a new type for the special rate, e.g. "Intro Special". The Base type should be "Normal", this just determines how the reservation is treated.  


Now when you define the Rate for it, select the "Intro Special" type in the Resv Types list (removing Normal, etc.), so the rate applies to only that reservation type. (Also clear the Discounts list.)  Then be sure to select that reservation type when making a reservation so it gets that rate. It won't remember this in future reservations for that customer so you avoid the original problem, but you still have a record of it (and can do some great statistical tracking on it as well).


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/specialone-timediscounts.html

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