Splitting deposits among group members

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Q:  Is there an easy way to split deposits among group members automatically?


A: It's easy to miss, but there is a function to auto-split the deposit at the time you enter the deposit.  This requires that the sites (reservations) be linked as Non-Synchronized at the time, so you need to make the group reservations as non-synced to start with.  From the documentation (under Handling Transactions / Deposits):


Splitting the deposit among multiple reservations


If the reservation is linked to other non-synchronized reservations (for separate billing), then a special Split payment among group members option will be present when entering the deposit. (This option appears as a checkbox next to the "Amount of deposit" entry field.) For instance, if one person is making a deposit for a group of 4 parties, select this option to automatically split the deposit (transfer 1/4 of it to each of the other 3 reservations). This adds all of the appropriate "Deposit Transfer" transactions, saving you the trouble of doing the transfers manually.



Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/splittingdepositsamonggroup.html

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