Splitting Reservations

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See also:

 Linked Reservations Overview

 Linked Reservation Examples

 Managing Linked Reservations




This function is only available from the right-click menu on the Rack view.  The typical reasons to split a reservation include moving a customer to a different site in the middle of their stay, or adding a gap in the reservation when the customer leaves and will come back shortly.


Either way, you are actually creating an additional reservation. The Split function simplifies the process by copying all of the details to the new reservation automatically, and adjusting the dates so that the original reservation ends early (on the day before the split) and the new reservation starts the next day (the day of the split).  Note that a split must be done in the normal range of the reservation, it can't be done in a Blocked date range.  If you have other linked reservations synchronized with this one then they will also be split (assuming you confirm the prompt to keep them synchronized), resulting in two sets of synchronized reservations.


To execute the split, right-click on the reservation in the Rack on the day you want to start the split (the date that you want the 2nd half to start one).  Select Split Reservation at this date.  You will be prompted for how to link the resulting reservations -- you will almost always want to select the "RECOMMENDED" option, which is to make the 1st part a sub-member of the 2nd part.  This will keep the later reservation as the "linked master", so it will have all of the transactions going forward.


If the split date is today or in the future, the second half will not be checked in yet (it will show a Pending status), even if the original reservation was checked in.  If the split date is in the past, then both halves will keep the checked-in status (assuming it is checked in now).  If both halves are the same status after the split, it may still appear like a continuous reservation on the Rack (if you don't have the start & end "bars" enabled), since it's still all one color and the same name.  If you lose track of the split, you can double-click on the reservation to see the First and Last dates, so you can tell which of the two reservations you're clicking on.  


After splitting the reservation, you can make the necessary changes to the new reservation just like any other reservation (change the start date, change the site, etc.).


Also note that transactions are not carried over in the split, since they can only be related to one reservation.  If the original reservation had an outstanding balance, you may want to adjust its transactions to balance out to the day of the split and move the appropriate charges to the new reservation.


However, the Paid-Through date is automatically adjusted appropriately.  If the original reservation was paid through the split date or later, that date will carry over to the new reservation and the old reservation will show that it's paid through its new last date.   If the original reservation was not paid through the split date, then the new reservation will not have a paid-through date (none of it has been paid).


Linking options for split reservations


When you split a reservation, you will be given a choice of whether to keep the two parts separate from each other (not linked), or to link them as non-synchronized (for separate billing), or to link them as sub-members (for combined billing).  If you're splitting the reservation for purposes of "starting over", for instance to start a new year for a long-term resident, then you probably want to leave them unlinked, or linked as non-synchronized so the billing is separated.  If you're splitting them because you need to move the person to a different site but the stay is continuous, then they should be linked as sub-members so the billing is still combined.  It's recommended to choose the sub-member option which makes the later half the new transactions master, so that this new portion carries all of the billing information.


Page URL http://CampgroundMaster.com/help/splittingreservations.html

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