Upcoming new version?

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Yes, it has been awhile since we've released a new version (and even longer since the last newsletter).  I could use the excuse that there haven't been any urgent problems needing to be corrected, and that's true to a certain extent, but the wish list of things we want to add and improve (and what our customers would like to see) is always getting longer.  The main reason for the delay is that general support and new business have just kept us too busy to finish up any new development.


Nevertheless, we plan to have a new version released this summer.  While there is a long list of possible enhancements that may or may not make it in this version, one definite change will be an option to round amounts to the nearest 5 cents because Canada is getting rid of the penny.


Another definite change will be the option to not store credit cards (assuming you're processing cards through Campground Master, e.g. using X-Charge or PC Charge).  Don't worry, it will just be an option, not a mandatory change.  While opting for that is less convenient for the user, it will make it easier to meet certain PCI compliance levels if the card information is not stored on the computer.


Along with the typical assortment of minor tweaks and enhancements, we also hope to have a few nice surprises in the next version.  As always, you will be notified by E-mail when the new version is released.  So make sure we're kept up to date on your E-mail addresses, and make sure our E-mails are not going to your spam folder.



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