All of these functions are specifically for use in Dialogs definitions, to access or manipulate the controls on a dialog (and to open a user-defined dialog).
(Back to Function Types List)
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the specified Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgAddDropListText |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the specified Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgAddInventoryItemSale |
Arguments: | rItemRec, nQuantity |
Description: | Used in the Point of Sale dialog only, adds an inventory item sale (as if the item was scanned), with the given quantity. The result is True if successful, False if there's an error. |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the specified List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgAddNewTransaction |
Arguments: | cType, cCategory, cDescription, cPmtMethod, cRef, cExtra, cDiscount, nQty, nEach |
Description: | Adds a new transaction (possibly temporary) in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog. All values must be filled in. The Total amount is calculated from the Qty and Each. The result is the record created -- but be careful with it since it may only exist during the dialog, and may also be deleted by the operator before the dialog is closed. |
Function: | DlgAddUserComboText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the named user-defined Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgAddUserDropListText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the named user-defined Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgAddUserListText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Adds a text item to the named user-defined List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Description: | Clears all selections from the specified List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns TRUE if no errors. |
Function: | DlgClearUserList |
Description: | Clears all selections from the named user-defined List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns TRUE if no errors. |
Description: | Sends the specified command (assumed to be a button click) to the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Description: | Does the Cancel (or Close) command for the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Description: | Does the Save (or OK or Done) command for the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgClickUserButton |
Description: | Sends a button-click to the named user-defined control (assumed to be a button) in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Arguments: | nControlID, bEnable |
Description: | Enables or disables the specified control in the current customized dialog (bEnable = True to enable, False to disable). Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgEnableUserCtrl |
Arguments: | cControlName, bEnable |
Description: | Enables or disables the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog (bEnable = True to enable, False to disable). Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgGetChangedFlag |
Description: | Gets the status of the 'Data Changed' flag in the current customized dialog. If the flag is not known (e.g. called in the wrong context), it will return FALSE. |
Description: | Returns the checked state of the specified checkbox or radio button in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, or returns TRUE if the control is checked. |
Description: | Returns the selected or entered text of the specified Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog is unknown. |
Description: | Returns the date of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns Jan 1 1970 if the current dialog is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetCtrlDateCheck |
Description: | Returns the state of the check box in the specified checked-date control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown. |
Description: | Returns the text of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog is unknown. |
Description: | Returns the time of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns 00:00:00 if the current dialog is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetDropListSelectedText |
Description: | Returns the selected text of the specified Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetListSelectedText |
Description: | Returns the selected text item of the specified List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog is unknown. |
Function: DlgGetTitle
Result-type: Text
Arguments: (none)
Description: Returns the title (caption bar text) of the dialog
Function: | DlgGetUserCheckbox |
Description: | Returns the checked state of the named user-defined checkbox or radio button in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, or returns TRUE if the control is checked. |
Function: | DlgGetUserComboText |
Description: | Returns the selected or entered text of the named user-defined Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserCtrlDate |
Description: | Returns the date of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns Jan 1 1970 if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserCtrlDateCheck |
Description: | Returns the state of the check box in the named user-defined checked-date control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserCtrlText |
Description: | Returns the text of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserCtrlTime |
Description: | Returns the time of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns 00:00:00 if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserDropListSelectedText |
Description: | Returns the selected text of the named user-defined Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgGetUserListSelectedText |
Description: | Returns the selected text item of the named user-defined List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns blank text if the current dialog or control is unknown. |
Function: | DlgNewResvRefreshSites |
Description: | Used in a New Reservation dialog, refreshes the list of applicable sites according to any Preferences that may have been set (e.g. if you set reservation preference fields through expressions, call this to refresh the list of sites matching those preferences). Returns True if successful. |
Description: | Used in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog, returns the Nth transaction record being added during this session (e.g. for looping through them). For use with DlgNumNewTrans() to get the number of transactions being added. |
Description: | Used in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog, returns the number of new transactions added during this session (possibly temporary), e.g. 'pending' transactions added while in the dialog. For use with DlgNewTransAt() to get the transactions being added. |
Function: | DlgOpenUserDialog |
Arguments: | cDialogName, rRecord |
Description: | Opens the named user-defined dialog, with the record passed as the context record. Returns FALSE if the dialog is unknown or if it's Cancelled, or returns TRUE if Save/OK is clicked with changes made. |
Function: | DlgSetChangedFlag |
Description: | Sets or clears the 'Data Changed' flag in the current customized dialog. If no argument is present, the flag is set to True Returns TRUE if successful. |
Arguments: | nControlID, bCheck |
Description: | Checks or unchecks the specified checkbox or radio button in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetComboSelectedText |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the specified Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetComboSelection |
Arguments: | nControlID, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the specified Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Arguments: | nControlID, dDate |
Description: | Sets the date of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetCtrlDateCheck |
Arguments: | nControlID, bCheck |
Description: | Sets or clears the check box in the specified checked-date control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetCtrlSelectedText |
Arguments: | nControlID, nStart, nEnd |
Description: | Selects the specified characters of text in the specified control in the current customized dialog. The nStart and nEnd parameters are 1-based. For instance, use 1,3 to select the first 3 characters. If nStart is -1, any current selection is removed. If nStart is 1 and nEnd is -1, all text is selected. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. Note: Best done in an 'Action on get focus' element, not control initialization. |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Sets the text of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Arguments: | nControlID, dTime |
Description: | Sets the time of the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetDropListSelectedText |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the specified Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetDropListSelection |
Arguments: | nControlID, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the specified Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Description: | Sets the input focus to the specified control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetFocusUserCtrl |
Description: | Sets the input focus to the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetListSelectedText |
Arguments: | nControlID, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the specified List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetListSelection |
Arguments: | nControlID, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the specified List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetNewResvCust |
Description: | Used in a New Reservation dialog, sets the customer to be used for the reservation (and fills in the dialog fields accordingly). Returns True if successful (it's a valid customer). |
Function: | DlgSetUserCheckbox |
Arguments: | cControlName, bCheck |
Description: | Checks or unchecks the named user-defined checkbox or radio button in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserComboSelectedText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the named user-defined Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserComboSelection |
Arguments: | cControlName, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the named user-defined Combo Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserCtrlDate |
Arguments: | cControlName, dDate |
Description: | Sets the date of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserCtrlDateCheck |
Arguments: | cControlName, bCheck |
Description: | Sets or clears the check box in the named user-defined checked-date control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserCtrlSelectedText |
Arguments: | cControlName, nStart, nEnd |
Description: | Selects the specified characters of text in the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. The nStart and nEnd parameters are 1-based. For instance, use 1,3 to select the first 3 characters. If nStart is -1, any current selection is removed. If nStart is 1 and nEnd is -1, all text is selected. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. Note: Best done in an 'Action on get focus' element, not control initialization. |
Function: | DlgSetUserCtrlText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Sets the text of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserCtrlTime |
Arguments: | cControlName, dTime |
Description: | Sets the time of the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserDropListSelectedText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the named user-defined Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserDropListSelection |
Arguments: | cControlName, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the named user-defined Drop List control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserListSelectedText |
Arguments: | cControlName, cText |
Description: | Selects the item matching cText in the named user-defined List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the text item is not found, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | DlgSetUserListSelection |
Arguments: | cControlName, nIndex |
Description: | Selects an item (1-based index) in the named user-defined List Box control in the current customized dialog. Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown or the index is out of range, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Arguments: | nControlID, bShow |
Description: | Show or hide the specified control in the current customized dialog (bShow = True to show, False to hide). Returns FALSE if the current dialog is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Arguments: | cControlName, bShow |
Description: | Show or hide the named user-defined control in the current customized dialog (bShow = True to show, False to hide). Returns FALSE if the current dialog or control is unknown, otherwise returns TRUE. |
Function: | ThisDlgCtrlLastFocus |
Description: | Returns the ID of the standard dialog control that last had focus (e.g. lost the focus most recently). If the last control to lose focus was a user-defined control, then the result is 0 (use ThisDlgUserCtrlLastFocus() for user-defined controls). |
Function: | ThisDlgUserCtrlLastFocus |
Description: | Returns the name of the user-defined dialog control that last had focus (e.g. lost the focus most recently). If the last control to lose focus was not a user-defined control, then the result is blank (use ThisDlgCtrlLastFocus() for standard controls). |
Function: ThisTempRec
Result-type: Record
Arguments: (none)
Description: Returns the temporary operating record in a Dialog definition, for instance the tentative reservation in a New Reservation dialog which contains the currently selected Preferences information.
Description: | Used in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog, returns the Nth transaction record shown (e.g. for looping through them). For use with DlgNumTrans() to get the number of transactions shown. |
Description: | Used in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog, returns the current "Total Amount Due". |
Description: | Used in a Transactions or Point of Sale dialog, returns the number of transactions shown (possibly including temporary). For use with DlgTransAt() to get the transactions shown. |
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