Viewing & Processing Alerts

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Viewing current or past Alerts is done through the "Alerts" dialog, which is accessed through View / Alerts, or from "View All Alerts" on the Alert dialog itself.


By default it will only show active alerts, i.e. those not "Dismissed"  (assuming the current operator has permission to see active alerts).  You can check the option to show dismissed alerts also if you need to see old alerts.  They will be shown with the newest alerts at the top.


Here you can View the details of an alert, Dismiss one or more alerts, or even Delete selected alerts if you're sure there's no need to keep them.


To process the "Action" for an alert, e.g. take the action recommended for the alert rather than just dismiss it, you need to select the alert, click View the Selected Alert Details, and use the action button on the Alert dialog.


The system-wide Alerts Options are also accessed through this dialog.



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